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Conservation Commission 12/11/13
Conservation Commission
December 11, 2012
Approved March 12, 2013

Members Present: Katheryn Holmes, Chair; Eric Unger, Vice-Chair; Deane Geddes, Member; Bill Annable, Bob Stewart, Alternates;  Dick Wright, Ex-Officio.

Ms. Holmes called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

The Commission reviewed the minutes of October 9, 2012 and made corrections. Mr. Unger made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Mr. Wright seconded the motion. All in favor.

The Commission reviewed the minutes of November 13, 2012 and made corrections. Mr. Unger made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Mr. Wright seconded the motion. All in favor.

Mr. Unger reported the following Intents to Cut:

  • December 6, 2012, from William Weiler, Trustee, Devondale Trust, P.O. Box 767, Bradford, NH 03221, for property located on Gillingham Drive, Newbury, NH, Tax Map/Lot # 50-166-200, for 160,000 feet of white pine, 50,000 feet of hemlock, 1,000 feet of red pine, 25,000 feet of spruce & fir, 10,000 feet of hard maple, 50,000 feet of white birch, 10,000 feet of yellow birch, 80,000 feet of oak, 10,000 feet of ash, 25,000 feet of beech & soft maple, 2,000 feet of basswood, 2,000 feet of tamarack, 50,000 feet of aspen, and 5,000 feet of cherry by logger James S. Burnett, Lay of the Land, 484 Canaan Street, Canaan, NH 03741.
Mr. Unger noted that the Intents to Cut application included 600,000 board feet on 170 acres. There was discussion regarding the amount of acreage in conservation easement and the concern over the size of the cut.

Mr. Stewart asked about the impact on the wetlands. Mr. Wright said the property in question was pretty high and dry.

The Commission discussed whether the applicant should have a Forestry Plan as a requirement for the cut. Ms. Holmes suggested that Mr. Wright question the applicant about that. Mr. Wright agreed to do so.

There was general discussion about the benefits of tree cutting in terms of helping wildlife and improving the undergrowth.

There were no wetlands/shorelands applications to review.

Sunapee Hills project
Ms. Holmes informed the Commission that the Sunapee Hills Project received the Moose Plate Grant in the amount of $5,000 which will be used to pay for part of the costs of a property appraisal.

Wild Goose Boat Launch Update
Ms. Holmes informed the Commission that the case is going to the State Supreme Court and the issues include town regulations, shoreland regulations and the size of the boat launch.

Outreach Programs
Ms. Holmes suggested holding a “Conservation Movie/Presentation Night” with free admission as a way to reach out to the community on conservation-related topics. Suggested movie titles included:
  • Chemical Reaction, a film on pesticide use.
  • Food, Inc., a film on the origins of our food.
A presentation on bear and bobcat management offered by wildlife stewards for the NH Fish & Game Department.
A presentation on organic farming.

Ms. Holmes suggested collaborating with the Newbury Beautification Committee (NBC) since the NBC represents a good cross-section of Newbury residents who are interested in conservation-related topics.

Conservation Commission Membership Terms
Ms. Holmes said she would review the Commissioners’ membership terms and report back on who needs to be re-appointed by the Board of Selectmen.

Local Government Center (LGC) Conference
Ms. Holmes reported on her attendance at the LGC conference and reviewed the NH Department of Environmental Services (DES) display on dams and how a 100-year storm would affect the environment.

Mr. Geddes made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr.  Unger seconded the motion. All in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 8:06 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Meg Whittemore
Recording Secretary